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My Wife's Dancing
Posted by Husband
5/20/2013  1:08:00 PM
My wife used to enjoy ballroom dancing about 10 years ago and I participated with her but never developed much in the way of skills. She is interested in getting back into the "swing" of things after being encouraged by some of her friends. Thing is we have kids now and it is difficult to get sitters sometimes and I just done't have the interest she does. If we cannot find a sitter, which is more often than not, I end up at home with the kids since I just don't have the interest in going without her. I am pretty sure she would rather attend these dance parties that our local association puts on every couple of weeks just with her girl friends. Some of her friends are married and some are not, some come with a partner and some do not.

I am having a difficult time dealing with my feeling that a married woman should go to such events on a regular basis without her husband and have been having some feelings of jealousy. The latter is particularly disturbing.

I trust my wife but still have difficulty with this feeling of jealousy. I just cannot get over the environment where essentially all of the un-partnered folks in the place are single. I would rather her not go without me but I feel like a jerk if I say so and it is not healthy to keep it to myself.

Anybody got some advice?
Re: My Wife's Dancing
Posted by olderpartner
5/20/2013  5:19:00 PM
Your feelings are very personal and you need to work them out with your wife. About all I can tell you after 47 years of marriage is the things we do together seem to be enriched by many other things that we do independently. Perhaps you can come to some accommodation where you take turns with the baby sitting.

I cannot speak to your dance environment, perhaps it is more sexually charged than mine. My wife and I take lessons together and dance together at parties. However, we both dance with other partners regularly. We also take lessons separately. I often take group lessons and partner several ladies. I also have a competitive partner with whom I dance frequently and my wife is in complete agreement. An onlooker might perceive our body contact in standard dances as sexual but it is absolutely functional. In latin dance, where there are many sexual undertones, it is theatrical rather than romantic.

You say "I would rather her not go without me" but I am left wondering if you expect to be able to go out without her. Take a good look at yourself and make sure the real issue is not loss of control.

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